Range Report: Police trade in S&W M&P9 9mm
Police trade in S&W M&P9 9mm with 3 – 17 rnd magazines and Night Sights from Buds Guns Shop. Ok, so let me start off by saying that according to my family I have a hard core firearm addiction. I personally, like to think of it as a personal calling. Much like JC who loves […]

Range Report POF 5KX 9mm Pistol
The next NFA project, the POF 5KX 9mm pistol with a SB tactical MP5 pistol stabilizing brace. OK, I’ve always wanted an MP5 PDW, but come on, as much as H&K rifles can cost, there was no way I was buying one. If I’m going to spend stupid money like that, I’ll just keep saving […]

Natural Barriers for Home Protection
So you have the guns, the dog, the security alarms, lighting etc. You are buttoned up tight in your home; no one is getting in without you knowing it. But what about your yard? Outdoor lighting works close in to your home or out buildings, but there is more you can do to physically protect […]