The Guns of A Fully Stocked Armory
I’m often asked questions like, “What guns should I own?” …and if you search online, you’ll find plenty of articles on what guns to buy for the apocalypse. This article isn’t about that scenario. I’ve also already done an article on choosing your EDC handgun, so this won’t be about that topic either. Finally, this […]

Night Vision and the Eye
When talking about tactical equipment, the discussion eventually turns to night vision devices and which ones are best, how they work, etc. What I usually find is very few people understand the basics of the eye, and how to improve the ability to operate at night without NVD. The discussion starts with the anatomy of […]

How To Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket
If you want to take the surefire approach to not getting a speeding ticket, then just always keep your speed at 2 miles an hour below the speed limit, reduce your speed 500 yards prior to any downgrade zones, and don’t increase until 100 yards after an upgrade zone. Ok, we know the above paragraph […]

Member EDC – JR Grounds
I have recently asked members to post what they carry on an everyday basis, so I figured it was only fair to post mine. To start, I need to explain I have my EDC separated into various levels. When I wore a Tactical gear, it would separated into various levels of gear. For instance, my […]

Black Spider Red Dot Optic Review
If you have ever built an AR, you know the optic can end up being as much as the rifle, and even a good red dot will run you several hundred dollars. At least, until now.

“That One Thing” and “Give me my 5 minutes”
Why do we train? I, as most good instructors, continue to go to various training courses, many of which can seem to be a basic type of class. I try to blend in, but inevitably someone will learn about my background and ask why I would ever be there in the first place. It seems people have this mis-notion that if you have a certain resume you shouldn’t have to take another class in your life.

Magpul Glock 17 Magazine Review
After waiting what seemed like an eternity, I finally received my batch of Magpul Glock magazines. These were the new version which were re-designed after Magpul had issues with the original version. A friend of mine had a new Glock 17 he needed to break in but didn’t have time. I had a case of ammo, a free weekend, and a desire to test these magazines, so it was a perfect opportunity.

The Dance of Violence
A violent encounter is like a dance. You will have one person leading the action and the other person following. Criminals are used to being in the lead, and they depend on you to follow the dance.