Building Your Medkit
There are many iterations of medkits on the internet at a wide range of prices. You wouldn’t be wrong in spending a bunch of money and getting cool stuff. Conversely, you wouldn’t be wrong getting the less expensive one and adding to it. The problem comes when 1) you don’t have what you really need, […]

Coming Upon A Car Accident
The ink was still wet on my medical school diploma as I drove to my first day at the hospital as a resident. It was noon and the eight lane interstate in Detroit was busy. My white jacket signaling my status as a physician was hanging on the back of the seat of my Jeep […]

How To Get Out Of A Speeding Ticket
If you want to take the surefire approach to not getting a speeding ticket, then just always keep your speed at 2 miles an hour below the speed limit, reduce your speed 500 yards prior to any downgrade zones, and don’t increase until 100 yards after an upgrade zone. Ok, we know the above paragraph […]

Natural Barriers for Home Protection
So you have the guns, the dog, the security alarms, lighting etc. You are buttoned up tight in your home; no one is getting in without you knowing it. But what about your yard? Outdoor lighting works close in to your home or out buildings, but there is more you can do to physically protect […]