Why Should You Join Our Team?
“Get Rewarded For Saving Lives”
We know there are thousands of people who want to help in a crisis situation; they just need better training and better equipment. The Civilian Crisis Response Team was founded as a way to give them free basic training, equipment at prices up to 50% off, and advanced training at up to 20% off without having to deal with bureaucratic hassles or organizational drama.
- Have you ever witnessed some sort of crisis while out and about? Perhaps you were driving and were one of the first to come upon an accident scene. Or you were at a store or restaurant and you saw someone choking or who had fainted. Maybe you witnessed a quarrel that escalated into a physical altercation.
- Are you someone who feels obligated as a decent human being to step up and help when someone around you is in trouble?
- When situations like these occur, are you ready to help? Do you have the confidence in yourself, your training, and your equipment to know you are going to make a positive difference?
- Would you like to be rewarded for being a person who is willing to make a difference? Not rewarded in trophies or news headlines, but rewarded with additional training for free, access to resources you don't have by yourself, and discounts on equipment like medical supplies, firearms, and survival gear? Perhaps discounts on things such as pants, shirts, and sunglasses not directly related to training would be of interest to you.
If you answered yes to any of those questions, I hope you read the remainder of this page because we are building something special and you might be a great candidate!
My name is JR and I am one of the founders of the Civilian Crisis Response Team (CCRT). We are building a community of like-minded individuals who will step up to the plate to help themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens.
We've come to realize that the best way to help saves lives is to assist willing people who witness a crisis situation to be prepared and equipped to render aid.

The Average Response Time for Police, Fire, or EMS personnel in the United States is 7 Minutes!!
If your family member is having a heart attack, or if there is an attacker with a weapon, or in the event of a car accident with fire or severe bleeding, 7 minutes means DEATH.
After witnessing a few crisis events over the spring and summer of 2015, the founders of CCRT realized that most people either refused to help or simply didn’t know what to do in these situations. We were the only ones on scene willing to be involved. We are not heroes or anybody special, but we decided to step up and help someone in need.
7 minutes means DEATH!! This is why we decided to form CCRT to train others who are willing to be well trained and prepared to stand in that 7 minute gap and make a positive difference.
Our founders are police officers, ambulance medics, fire fighters, military, and from other occupations. Regardless of how good first responders are at their jobs, they can’t be everywhere, and often can’t get there fast enough. That's where people like us step in.
We know it isn’t enough to find people who say they are willing to help. We want to find people who ARE willing to do what it takes to be prepared to help. In order to get people to commit to help, we have to provide some pretty amazing benefits.
- Access to online educational and inspirational articles, reviews, and training videos.
- Access to a group of experts for information.
- Access to our online Facebook "Member Only" groups for building build camaraderie and for asking questions of other like-minded individuals.
- T-shirts, hats, ID cards, and other unique products showing your support.
- Access to local member events to socialize with other members to discuss favorite equipment pieces, get ideas to help be better prepared, and to make a new set of friends.
- Access to local free training on a wide variety of topics such as medical, firearms, self-defense, survival, communications, etc.
- Access to over 1,000 different manufacturers offering products at wholesale cost. Such manufacturers are Leupold, Maxpedition, Magpul, Trijicon, Benchmade, Glock, North American Rescue, Z-Medical, Littman, Snugpack, Blackhawk!, 5.11, Gerber, American Survival, and many more. These discounts can be up to 50% off retail on current products (not discontinued or clearance).
- Access to our training partners who offer up to 20% off the non-member price. These trainings are in a wide variety of topics given by expert instructors. A training weekend average price of $300 means our members can save up to $60 on every training!
- Access to purchase firearms for as little as $10 over dealer cost. This perk alone could save you $200 on a single firearm. You will have to work with a local FFL to take possession. All normal ATF rules and regulations apply.
With all of these benefits, it is almost as though you are getting paid to be a better protector for your family and fellow citizens!
In our first six weeks, we had our first success story
“I just want to say thank you to all the CCRT
founders and instructors. I joined at the beginning
of August and attended the free medical course
later in the month. Today (Sep 4th) I was driving
and witnessed a car hit a motorcycle. I was able
to stop, assist the rider, and make a positive
difference while waiting for the ambulance to
arrive. It felt incredible to actually be there for
someone in their time of need. Oddly enough I
was the only one who stopped. I couldn’t have
done it without the free training you
provided. Thank you.”
“I saw the car slide off the road right in front of
me. She hit the ditch at about 45mph. I stopped
and cut her out of her seatbelt. She had hit her
head pretty hard, so I splinted her neck and gave
her an ice pack. The other cars just kept on
driving. She was scared and shaken up, but very
thankful I was there to help and stay with her until
the ambulance could arrive. We need more
people like CCRT members who will help when
needed. It is only a few minutes out of their day,
but can mean everything to someone.”
We know there will be many more stories like this one where our members were the key difference between someone being transported to the hospital versus being transported to the morgue.
We aren’t stopping with the member benefits we currently provide. We are also looking for additional ways to make our members even more effective.
Our online library is being increased every day. Here are a few titles of recent articles in the "Member Only" section:
- “How to choose the proper defensive handgun for you”
- “Situational Awareness and what it means”
- “SCAR rifle review”
- “How to become motivated for physical fitness”
- “Plants you can put around your house to help make it safer”
- “The changing methods of CPR”
In addition, we are providing free training in each of our geographic locations on topics such as:
- “Introduction to Tactical and Trauma Emergency Medicine”
- “Defensive Handgun”
- “Firearm and Self-Defense Law”
- “Good Samaritan Law”
These are just a few of the FREE trainings we have provided in the last 2 weeks. We are constantly adding more and expanding the levels and areas of training to make our members better at providing that very important 7 minutes of help.
You don’t have to take advantage of all the benefits. You can sign up and just browse the website for more knowledge. Perhaps you feel like you have all the training you need and only have an interest in getting your equipment and firearms at wholesale prices. Our membership is not an "all or nothing" type of deal. You take what you need and only what you need.
Bottom line is we want you involved. We want you to be the person who will commit to making a difference and to be effective.
Our country has a rich and deep history of neighbor helping neighbor. One hundred years ago you didn’t call the fire department if your barn was on fire. Your neighbors saw the smoke and came running with buckets to form a bucket brigade to help you. If your barn burnt down, your neighbors showed up and helped you build a new one.
Unfortunately, people today are more interested in picking up a cell phone and videotaping something for YouTube instead of picking up a tool and helping.
We want to return to our rich history of helping each other. If you are still reading at this point, you are one of those people. You are most likely what is known as a sheepdog.
The sheep do not know the wolf is watching, they are too busy with their normal life to even pay attention. Their heads are down, their awareness diverted. The wolf knows the sheep are oblivious, and he knows there is but one thing which can stand in his way…the sheepdog. Often blending in amongst the flock but always vigilant, the sheepdog does not bother the sheep. He doesn’t go hunting for the wolf, nor does he chase once the wolf is repelled. But pity the wolf who does wander into the herd, for the sheepdog will lay down his very own life to protect those under his watch.
Are you like the sheepdog? Are you aware there is danger lurking--danger in the form of medical emergencies, accidents, evil individuals, natural disasters? Are you willing to protect those around you?
Will you join us? Will you raise your hand to committing to help others and preparing yourself to be more effective?
We have crunched the numbers to make this as affordable as possible. This isn’t about our making money, but about our being able to reach the maximum number of people and better protecting communities. We designed each member level so you can get the maximum benefit for your goals. We priced them such that they covered our costs and allowed us to provide this opportunity to more people. Someone asked us why would we offer gear at wholesale prices instead of a slight mark-up, and the answer is simple. Our goal is about getting more lifesaving equipment at an affordable price into the hands of our members.
Is this for everyone? No, it isn’t. There are some people who are more interested in a club with thousands of cool patches. There are people who are interested in an organization with some sort of political agenda. There are people who are interested in trying to be either against or in acting as a replacement for our first responders. We aren’t any of those and we aren’t the organization for those people.
We are a group for good, solid citizens who want to better protect themselves, their families, and the people around them. We are an organization for people to receive more training, obtain more equipment, and acquire more knowledge without having to break the bank. Simply put, we are a group to make a positive difference.
Join Us!
- Access to the member's only section of the website
- Access to Member’s only group page on Facebook
- Access to Member’s only forum
- Access to unit meetings, events, and free workshops
- T-Shirt
- ID card
- Discount on training**
- Access to the member's only section of the website
- Access to Member’s only group page on Facebook
- Access to Member’s only forum
- Access to unit meetings, events, and free workshops
- T-Shirt
- ID card
- CCRT morale patch
- Access to purchase program, where you can get gear at wholesale prices, and firearms at $50 over dealer cost
- Access to the member's only section of the website
- Access to Member’s only group page on Facebook
- Access to Member’s only forum
- Access to unit meetings, events, and free workshops
- T-Shirt
- ID card
- CCRT morale patch
- Access to purchase program, where you can get gear at wholesale prices, and firearms at $30 over dealer cost
- Access to training with different organizations at a 10% discount
- Access to the member's only section of the website
- Access to Member’s only group page on Facebook
- Access to Member’s only forum
- Access to unit meetings, events, and free workshops
- T-Shirt
- ID card
- CCRT morale patch
- Access to purchase program, where you can get gear at wholesale prices, and firearms at $10 over dealer cost
- Access to training with different organizations at a 20% discount