The Guns of A Fully Stocked Armory
I’m often asked questions like, “What guns should I own?” …and if you search online, you’ll find plenty of articles on what guns to buy for the apocalypse. This article isn’t about that scenario. I’ve also already done an article on choosing your EDC handgun, so this won’t be about that topic either. Finally, this […]

The Mosin Nagant
“Why, Ken, why?? Why would you do a write-up on a crusty, old dinosaur from WW2?” The answer is simple – Mosins are a great and affordable way to add a large-caliber rifle to your arsenal for very little money. Chambered in the hard-hitting 7.62x54R, they’re large enough to kill anything on the North American […]

Black Spider Red Dot Optic Review
If you have ever built an AR, you know the optic can end up being as much as the rifle, and even a good red dot will run you several hundred dollars. At least, until now.