Buying The Right AK-47 For You
- September 1, 2015
- Isaac Birch
- Gear Review
- gear, review
- 1 Comment

Finally, after I had saved my money and searched for weeks on end, there it was…in all it’s splendid glory..the one…the only..AK-47. I couldn’t believe it. How could there even be one left in stock. All the local gun stores only carried the bland AR-15 (lego toy) that every average guy aspired to own. But this was different. It was gritty looking, robust, and made for real use. Just as Ralphie eyed his first red rider bb gun, this grown man found himself enamored with the sight of this Russian beauty resting on it’s proud display.
Sadly, it wasn’t long after that purchase years ago that I came to realize I had been duped. Despite every attempt to polish, grease, and baby my new Russian toy, it refused to cooperate. At the time, Century’s imported WASR (AK-47) variant was nothing more than an unreliable and inaccurate piece of machinery hastily assembled with canted sights made to look like a real AK fighting rifle. It turned out to be just another attempt by a company to import the cheapest items they could get, mark them up as much as possible, and run for the hills when customers called them out for it.
Fast forward to today; Century Arms is finally producing their own AK variants from beginning to end with laser precision tools. Quality American companies such as Rifle Dynamics, Kreb’s Customs, DDI and a few others are producing quality AK’s on a daily basis and stand behind their products. The issue is that after years of companies importing junk and some subpar ‘AK builders’ springing up at various locations, many potential AK buyers have only seen and shot less than quality AK’s. As a result, false rumors of inaccuracy and cheap aftermarket accessories (namely TAPCO) have clouded the true potential of a quality AK.
Several students attending M.A.L.C. courses have asked what AK they should buy. Perhaps the best response is a question: What’s your purpose? Do you just want to be familiar with the Kalashnikov family of firearms /OR/ are you wanting a fighting rifle that you can count on? What is your budget?
If you are looking for a basic safe and reliable AK rifle, you will likely be fine with the newer line of Gen 2 Century AK ($600+). If you prefer something of better quality, purchasing an Arsenal AK ($1,000) or Destructive Devices Industries (DDI) AK ($800+) would be a good choice. If you want a rifle that you can bet your life on and will exceed your expectations, I would look no further than Rifle Dynamics or Kreb’s Custom Guns ($1,500 and up).
As for AK accessories, there are far too many good choices to list in this article alone. Perhaps I’ll address those next time…
Isaac Birch
MALC Instructor
Great write up, and spot on about the Wasr!