Level the Playing Field
- August 29, 2015
- John M
- Philosophy
- 1 Comment

John Steinbeck, one of the great 20th century American authors, reputedly summarized age-old combat wisdom with the following words:
“If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”
It is a human being’s nature to seek the greatest possible competitive advantage in a situation of conflict. For example, MMA fighters, boxers, and wrestlers, generally speaking, cut weight so that they can be the biggest and strongest in a lower class (as opposed to being one of the smallest in a higher class). This propensity to seek a competitive edge is precisely why in sports, we see stringent regulations on things like equipment and ball pressure (looking at you, Brady), as well as the prohibition of performance-enhancing drugs. These regulations limit competition to the realm of aptitude, development, and hard work. What is available to one is available to all. These regulations level the playing field. However, not all conflict is healthy competition, and not all situations can be regulated.
Consider the measures taken by criminals to make their “jobs” as easy as possible. They are looking for easy prey and quick payouts. They target people who are unlikely to be able to defend themselves and their property, and they often carry weapons to gain leverage, to threaten challengers, and all too often to harm or kill their victims. A firearm turns any aggressor into a serious threat. However, it also raises the capability of an otherwise defenseless victim.
If an aggressor knows that a potential victim is armed, that victim becomes a danger and a challenge, and will likely be avoided. If the aggressor doesn’t know that the victim is armed, at least the victim has a means of self-defense in the event that the aggressor proceeds to attack. Shouldn’t a man in a wheelchair, a small-framed woman living alone, a shop owner in an area with high crime rates, or the parents of small children be allowed to feel safe and rest with confidence that they can protect themselves in a dangerous scenario?
Greater restrictions and regulations on owning and carrying firearms will only disarm the lawful. Law-abiding citizens will lose the security of having a way to defend themselves, while lawless criminals will continue to procure firearms by unlawful means. These types of changes will only expand the advantage and confidence of those engaging in criminal activity, while decreasing the ability of average citizens to protect themselves. If an armed trespasser broke into your home at night while you and your family were asleep, would you be grateful for legislation which prevented you from owning a firearm in that moment?
“When seconds count, the police are just minutes away..”
We are losing our common sense to fear and good intentions. “Gun free zones” are “challenge free” zones for criminals – gathering sites for defenseless victims who will not be armed for self-defense. Society cannot ensure that all people behave well and respect the lives and property of others, but it can ensure that all people have the opportunity to protect themselves from those who won’t. Don’t be a victim. Don’t further this culture of creating victims. Support our 2nd Amendment rights.
Level the playing field.
John Mouser, Mouser Strength Dynamics
Well said. Thank you.