Dragonfly Martial Arts
Hello my name is Kenneth Bigbee and I am the chief instructor and owner of Dragonfly Martial Arts Academy. I am training in the martial arts for over two decades and have had the pleasure of training with some of the most amazing instructors in the world. I am also proud to say I am a former Navy S.E.A.L, so if anyone knows dedication, struggle and training it’s me.
On behalf of all the instructors and students at our Academy, thank you for visiting our site. We hope that after you click through our pages you will take the time to visit us in-person, and experience first-hand our friendly, safe and welcoming environment.
At Dragonfly Martial Arts Academy, that is not only a promise but a guarantee. At our Academy you will never feel intimidated or physically vulnerable. We do not tolerate nor welcome individuals with negative intentions. Our “ego-free” team atmosphere is contagious, and one-of-a-kind – just ask any of our students, or parents of the children who train with us.
It does not matter if you are young or old, athletic or out-of-shape; you will immediately feel at home at Dragonfly Martial Arts Academy. The bottom-line is, your dedication combined with our style and approach to the art will transform your life, both on-and-off the mats.
Learn more at www.dragonflyma.com