Range Report POF 5KX 9mm Pistol
- April 6, 2016
- Gerardo G
- Gear Review
- gear
- 1 Comment

The next NFA project, the POF 5KX 9mm pistol with a SB tactical MP5 pistol stabilizing brace.
OK, I’ve always wanted an MP5 PDW, but come on, as much as H&K rifles can cost, there was no way I was buying one. If I’m going to spend stupid money like that, I’ll just keep saving and get a Class III belt fed FN something. Just me.
I came across this at Atlantic Firearms. But I had real concerns, like, it’s made in Pakistan. I don’t know about you, but I can’t name one damn quality product that is produced in Pakistan. I immediately had flashbacks to a Century Arms CETME I purchased years ago. It wouldn’t feed consistently, and when it did it only wanted to eat high end rounds, ugh. My head hurts just thinking of the time I put into that POS trying to fix it. I would have been better off trying to rehab a crack head on my own.
I digress.
So I did some internet research (again, we all know everything they put on the internet is true). The results came back a lot better than I expected. Seems POF (not to be confused with POS) purchased the tooling from H&K to make the rifles. Ok, that was promising.
The reviews from the articles I read and watched on U tube were good. The bottom line, good quality and functioning weapon, even though it was made in Pakistan. So after all that I bit the bullet and ordered one.
So it came in with the brace, 4 mags, all in a pretty cardboard box.
So I took it to the range. The first 60 rounds I thought I got a small CETME all over again. Crap. Bang, click, rack, bang, click, rack, bang. At this point I was ready to chuck this damn thing down range and shoot it with something different. But then common sense clicked in (barely), I hosed it down with breakfree, loaded 2- 30 round mags, and back at it again.
And guess what, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! I couldn’t believe it, so I kept loading magazines and shooting. And it kept it up! No jams, to misfires, nothing!
After 200 rounds, at 25 yds, I decided I could breathe easier.
So, I went home, cleaned it, and decided I might want to turn this into a SBR project. So I went back to the range, and put 200 more rounds through it while I contemplated if I wanted to spend the money to stamp it. With no more issues, I decided I will work towards that.
So I then researched parts, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could get the rear folding stock and front post grip relatively easily! One of the nice things about the POF is that it has the H&K push pins in order to change parts!
So until I get my paperwork back, I will sign off. If you have any questions, please give me a shout.
Jerry (Tank)
Check out Dakota Tactical, if you are an H&K fan. A little on the expensive side, but much better than the 25K you would have to pay for the original.